Here's a little recap of our busy life the past few weeks...
My son is in first grade and I was selected to be a chaperone on his field trip. Super fun - this is a really great age (and also a very loud age on the bus. They were very excited!!!)
Pittsburgh Zoo
First Grade Field Trip
Here's a photo of the entire class - we actually got them to stand together and pose for the shot. It was getting cool outside, but we had a lot of fun. We even got to see the new baby seal. It was 10 days old when we were there and just too cute!!
Pittsburgh Zoo - Baby Seal (10 days old)
I also got the opportunity to help with my son's Halloween party. (I do have 2 boys - it just happens I was selected for everything in my first grader's class for the fall .... so, I hope to help with my other son in the spring.) The Halloween party was a lot of fun. Here's a shot of the kids bowling with pumpkins in the hall. The boys were definitely rougher than the girls.
Pumpkin Bowling
2 Soldiers, 1 Cowboy & 1 Hockey Player
Surely, you are asking yourself what in the world that is ... I know that I was. It just happens to be bird feet from a real live pheasant. My husband is a hunter. We are raising 2 boys who will be hunters. AND, we have a bird dog. So, I guess it is inevitable that I will come across such grossness. I personally don't understand it, but they love it. So, I had to carefully remove these from my washing machine. Even though I knew they were clean as they had just gone through an entire cycle, I had to pick up with something. Eew!!!
Finally, I just want to share a little glance at some stitching that I have completed this past year. I'll try to post this monthly. I stitched this angel earlier in the year - love that I can change her apron monthly. Some of the aprons are really adorable. She wasn't the funnest to stitch as her entire dress is white. You can't see most of it because it is covered by the aprons, but trust me - it was a lot of white. The aprons, however, were a lot of fun to stitch. I look forward to changing them each month.
All thru the Year
Heart to Hand Designs
Wishing you all a Happy November!! Next time, I hope to post an update on my Christmas Rules stitching. After such a hectic month, I hope to have a little more stitching time!!
Happy Stitching!
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